Sunday, September 23, 2007

Grumble, Grumble

I know, it's been long.

I read this thing in the paper today, and I am loosely calling this pitiful excuse for tabloid trash a newspaper, where they were talking about drug use, and they seem to have coined a brand new term to go with what is now increasingly fashionable, functional hedonists. I mean what the fuck is that? These are acceptable members of society because they are rich, and manage to haul their asses out to parties without falling on their faces every time they get out of the cab, and we should accept their drug use as a positive aspect of their lifestyle? These are the people who have pretend jobs, and party with those celeb types, and who only twice a week pop into the loo to snort coke?? Because Britney and Lindsay are the true disasters,as long as you managed to put your knickers on in the morning, and avoid getting photographed "showing the world to them", you are fine! This country is filled with mindless, impossibly stupid teenagers who will read this, if they can in fact read, and believe it to be the gospel truth!! I swear we are going the dinosaur way.

What was the point of that seemingly interminable rant?? Drugs, people, drugs!! They are not acceptable, in any quantity, and yes, Valium for no particular reason counts. You can not claim to be a regular person, if you do drugs, even if only on the side.