Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Secret Secrets

Ok, let me preface this by saying, my friend is a jackass! Alright, moving on.

I am not a secret person really, very few things about myself embarass me. Still, here goes...

1) When I am all by myself, I like to daydream. I make up situations in my head and let my mind play them out. A therapist might call it an escape mechanism, I call it a good way to spend the time I am on the tube.

2) I can't sleep alone in the dark. I am 23 and I still need a light on somewhere in the house if I am alone at night. Sad, I know.

3) Up until recently, I have had a crush on every single boy that my best friend has.

4) I hate radishes, absolutely loathe them. I can eat any other vegetable but them.

5) I've read the first 20 pages of Great Expectations over 10 times, I've never ever read the whole book.

6) I've never been in love. Except for once, almost.

7) Sometimes, I DON'T think marriage is a meaningless institution created to perpetuate the myths of monogamy and happy families.

8) I am actually a very kind person. I never refuse a request for help.

9) Girls find me very attractive, which is truly unhelpful.

10) Till I was 15 or so, when I cried, there would be no tears. Seriously.

Ok, now I am supposed to tag somebody, so I tag Asher Jay.


Macaw said...

I love Secret #9, that is truly counter productive to the cause of finding a heterosexual male mate without any mental ailments and genetic disorders!

Macaw said...

Hello pumpkin, I did it, I finally posted the list on my own blog and not on your comments section, and it is a little different but my roommate begs to differ, she claims my top ten are far from coined.