Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Grown Woman

I am an adult, and as such, I make most decisions for myself. I was under the mistaken belief that this was the case with all adults. It appears I was wrong, and how.

My biggest source of frustration at present in life is the alarming frequency with which grown men and women are unable to use their discretion, and really basic fucking common sense, to make the simplest of decisions. I understand seeking the counsel of trusted others on matters of significance or enormity. I do NOT understand requiring my input on which shoes to pack on a short trip. 

Therein lies the issue. My irritation springs not from the idea that these seemingly sentient adults would need constant direction at all, but that they all seem to be seeking it from me. 

Let me be clear. I don't care where you put the milk powder once you open a new sachet in the office. I don't know whether you should put your socks in with your new shoes in the first suitcase of the second. I don't care if you want to put almonds rather than pistachios in your breakfast oats. I just don't care. 

Maybe I'm so controlling and anal-retentive that I don't see the value in asking other people's opinions on what I think to be matters of personal preference. Or maybe the problem is that I simply don't like my time being incessantly interrupted by what i deem to be meaningless questions. 

You're an adult. Figure it the fuck out. How hard is to decide which brown dress YOU like and want to wear to a dinner which I am not even attending?And how is it that almost every single adult in my radar seems to be afflicted with this ailment?

So here's the thing. Stop. Make your own decisions. Stop asking me. Stop expecting me to care. Stop. Just bloody stop.

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