Thursday, February 15, 2007


This in deference to my friend, the gooseberry's wishes. Always glad to oblige my dear.

Is Iran the new Iraq, or the new Afghanistan? That is the question on much of the international community's mind. North Korea seems to be co-operating for now, and of course, there is not much to be gained in the oil war by attacking North Korea, so there is really no danger there.

Iran, on the other hand, is an entirely different deal altogether. But here's the problem for the Americans, They have lost their moral high ground after the Iraq debacle, Iran possesses more bluster than Afghanistan and will not go quietly into the night, and finally, no one will believe George Bush when he says that Iran is in possession of a nuclear bomb.

Iran, meanwhile, continue to do what is in their best interests. They do not believe that they should have to conform to the rules of a nation that is in control of over 800 nuclear weapons and can literally destroy every major city in the world within 5 minutes.

Here is Iran's argument, and it is valid, the United States has over 800 nuclear weapons, while Iran has none(atleast officially), Iran has never invaded another country whereas the US has done so twice in the last 6 years, and Iran has never used a nuclear weapon in any of its military engagements, whereas the US has used the N-bomb twice.

So really, what right does the US have to warn Iran, and flaunt the NPT in their faces??

For, now, I am entirely on Iran's side, and not just because I hate George Bush's bleeding guts.

1 comment:

ada-paavi!!!! said...

this is a naive way to look at the entire issue of Iran. first, you havent understood american hegemony, which is essentially what iran opposes, rather than america per say. this will enable iran to establish as a regional superpower, and reduce the increasing saudi influence due to iraq's fall. Iran hopes by opposing the Americans, it can become a rallying point for a the anti-saudi nations in the middle east. Saudis have for a long time been seen as just the puppets of the americans, even osama now is agaist the regime.

if at all there is an attack on iran, it will be led by the jews with americans firing their patriot missiles and providing logistic support. Israel has already said if US doesnt act, they will :).
in all likelihood, Amhejenid will lose power soon and the issue will fizzle out.

Comparing North Korea to Iran is again naive.