Thursday, December 30, 2010

Appy Noo Ear

I am currently in the process of writing another, much longer post about my trip to Udaipur, but since it is the end of the year, I felt I had to write down something quick about what kind of year it has been.

Frankly, I am almost always filled with melancholy at the end of things: movies, years, ages. Surprisingly, I am not sad to see this year go. I don't feel like I have just sat in one place with little movement this year. Which is not to say that it has been the stuff of legend. From afar, it has still been a remarkably quiet and lonely year. For everyone who knows me, I have been more active than many years past.

My passion for both reading and writing has returned in strong form this year. As has my ambition for work. I still loathe the company of human beings, but friends will attest to the fact that I have tried my best to be more social this year.

Change is meant to arrive in increments. Very few things in life change radically. Given that, I think this year has mostly been a step towards something. At least, I hope that it has. Beyond that, I am still unsure. Which is maybe not such a terrible thing for someone like me.

1 comment:

spiritofillusions said...

as far as the writing goes, i am looking forward to reading many more of your essays, opinions, critiques or whatever else you might want to call them.

Also, Happy new year :)