Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Once again, the day is upon us all, the birth of a new year. I want to say that this year, I found myself. Or i want to say that this year, I lost myself so completely in something or someone that I simply can not account for the passage of time. Sadly, neither statement is true, I can not say either of those things about my 2009. It has been a filler year, the year I turned 25, but did not celebrate. The year i started out with so much promise that was ultimately not fulfilled. I sit here, alone in my room, far from the few people I love, the very very very few, and I pretend I am happy to be away from the hustle and bustle of real life being lived, I pretend I am content to just sit back and watch another year pass me by without having ever been truly joyful. I am not happy, nor am I content. And next year I must do better. I hope I will, for this is the truth, I am not getting any younger.

And as a postscript, this year I said goodbye to one of my true loves. He is gone, but shall never be forgotten.

Quae nocent, saepe docent.

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