Sunday, September 28, 2008

Endure and Shut Up

I am at times astounded at the lives that women lead. If you're a woman, of any shape, size or colour, then you have been both verbally and physically assaulted at some point since the time you magically sprouted breasts. A truly unlucky percentage have had the displeasure since even before that blessed event. If you live in a major Indian city, then you will have experienced these joys a few times over.

The first time any of this happens, you are invariably still rather young, and therefore rather upset. However, as time goes on, and you realize that you are not alone, that this has happened to all the women that came before, and all of those that stand beside you, then you start to get inured. You don't feel the pain as much, you almost start to believe that this is what your body is meant to inspire.

How are girls supposed to make it? From every angle, life tells you that things aren't going to work out. You're too skinny, too fat, too tall, too short, you eat too much, you don't eat enough, you're clothes are too conservative, you're clothes are too slutty, you act too much like a guy, you act too much like a girl. Every part of you is analyzed and out loud at that. Every message in the world, from the television to the newspapers tells that you need to live up to this impossible standard. You need to be stunningly beautiful, but act like you're not, so that men don't feel intimidated by you. You need to be Mother Teresa, so they can feel okay enough to take you home to mom, but dirty enough to go down on them whenever their dear little hearts might desire. You need to love them and be devoted to them with all of your heart, but not be too clingy. And you need to forgive them each time they cheat on you, or lie to you or disappoint you. Of course, you should be able to cook, clean, throw parties and also have a full time job, so they can show you off.

All the movies made are about men, how they are being forced to grow up by nagging women and take care of their responsibilities, anyone who has seen Knocked Up and the countless other movies like it will know what I am talking about. The world teaches women to endure and shut up. Our problems are not big enough, our lives not difficult enough.

So, here's the thing about being a woman, there are a few joys attached to it, and they are far between. You live the best way you know how, but, know this, it is not easy.

1 comment:

Gorilla Bananas said...

I think the girls who worked for Ms Octopussy in the film Octopussy had a pretty good life.