Monday, May 26, 2008

To be seen

The thing about returning to familiarity, is that it isn't all that you imagined in your head. In your head, the colours of 'old' world are bright, and shiny. And everybody loves you. The truth, however, is a different animal. The trouble with going back, is that you regress into all those things that made you run out in an attempt to change your life in the first place.

I can't decide what I hate more, missing how things used to be, or returning to that place and time, where you are unimportant, where you are never seen. Everybody looks through you. You are simply the means to a more attractive end.

I have touched the sun, even if only for an all too brief moment, and I can not go back. I can not go back to being an ordinary creature that lays in wait, in the vain hope that others will see me, finally. Again now, I find myself desperate to escape. I am searching for exit signs. And, rest assured, when I do find one, I will be gone again. To a land where I am seen.


Mims said...

well written as usual...
but i must say usual, i don't agree :)
a true revolution comes when U decide that OTHERS see u!! one should never ask for others' attention, i think one should impose it . just like respect, i think one should never blame others if they don't respect him/ should impose respect....
i believe that attention should be deserved....not asked for!!
another point that i'm dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying to make: you always assume no one sees U! Baby, i'm telling u, everyone seeeeeees You!! it's just that you don't give people the chance to look back at you as you run away....
you are not transparent!!


spiritofillusions said...

isn't that what we all want???? to be in a space in which we are absolutely comfortable and everything is predictable :) *if only*