The Prime Minister of Great Britain, with just a fortnight left before his official sign-off, after four hundred and twenty seven years at No.10, launched a blistering attack on the media likening them to a "feral beast" that "tears people and reputations to bits".
Mr. Blair, really? I mean, really? Two weeks before you leave, when you should be preparing for semi-glowing tributes from even the harshest of your critics, of your stay in the Prime Minister's job, you go and criticize the media for doing their job, and entirely fuck up your chances of getting even a half-way decent compliment, and have instead incurred the wrath of newspapers editors everywhere. What was the highlight of your Prime Ministership, Mr. Blair?? The years you spent sucking on George Bush's balls instead of making independent decisions for the UK? Or was it that fantastic ,landmark, historical decision to send troops to both Afghanistan and Iraq, and in the process, sacrificing any sovereignity England might have had, at the altar of the mighty United States?? Your last few years were marked by increasing frustration at your inability to act as anything but a lap-dog for Bush Jr., and now you're pissed off that your reputation has been torn to shreds?? It is easy for you to criticize the media, we all know that you would rather have had no opposition whatsoever to the illegal war in iraq, but really, what the fuck were you expecting, you daft prick??
In the Western world, democracy is viewed as a magical, universal salve to all problems. Its a fix-all for every single situation. The reality is entirely different. Enforcing democracy rarely solves anything. It is merely the start of a long, arduous struggle towards an end that might actually never be reached. America, the world's oldest democracy is struggling to function most of the time, and what democracy, is actually a democracy, when their president rushes off to a war that is illegal, and that is opposed by the majority of the country?? The "of the people, for the people, by the people" mantra, is simply that, a set of words that is recited repeatedly in hopes of invoking its meaning into reality, while actually having no discernible effect. The media is essential in a democratic nation, the fourth estate is the bulldog at the gates, and if it weren't for that particular establishment, democracy which exists in the vaguest sense at present, wouldn't. That is the basis for judging a democracy, its media, and the freedom of speech upon which every democratic nation should rightfully be based. Why the spiel?? Well Mr. Blair, you can not very well to have laurels handed to you for essentially performing fellatio on the American president while in office, can you?? And why criticize the media for doing their jobs, and exercising their freedom of speech, when your own job was woefully mismanaged, to say the very very least?
Politicians do not ensure democracy. If anything, democracy is condemned to politicians by the very nature of its composition, and they must be endured rather than applauded. If Tony Blair was expecting his reputation to remain intact, and not torn to shreds, then perhaps, and this is just a tiny little thought, he should have paid closer attention to his duties while in power, instead of whining like a little bitch, at the very end of it.
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