Sunday, April 22, 2007

Growing pains

So, here's the thing. As you grow up, there are certain things you come to depend upon. Some truths, some version of yourself that you like, some people that you trust. However, as you grow older, these things are less certain, and therefore less dependable. The american movies will tell you that this is what growing up feels like, that certainties are meant to be lost with age, but we all know how I feel about anything patently american. I sometimes think, that the best way to live life is to set yourself up for disappointment, and that way, you are actually never disappointed. Does that make any sense. The truth, perhaps, is somewhere in the middle.(cheers go up in the KFI audience) That this is what growing up feels like, but a smart person will also know to never expect anything. And, unfortunately for me, I am growing up, and I am smart. Which is why I am tired. I dislike change. And everything isn't changing, it has already changed. I just got left behind. Now I am left with the difficult task of moving on, alone.

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