By all accounts, I have the type of life to be envied. I am 24, healthy, single, living in one of the most fantastic cities in the world. I have a job that I love, that will clear the path for me to get where I want to go. I have an excellent education that, admittedly, took a lot of work. And while I do worry about it, I do not really have to worry about money as much as most people in the world. This has been my life for the last two and a half years. I have been where most people would kill to be.
So why the long face? I am terrified that I am the kind of person who will always look over her shoulder and envy the life that others have, and worry about all the fun I am missing. Take this weekend, for example. Tomorrow, besides being the last day of the week, is also going to be an eventful day at work. On the day after that, I have not one, but two separate invites to hang out with people my own age, have a few drinks, eat good food, listen to some good music and relax in the company of good people. Did I use the word good enough times in that last sentence?
I am, however, obsessed with a trip a whole group of my friends are taking. This isn't the first time this has happened. My friends have taken several trips without me in the last couple of years. So why do I remain obsessed with the lives of those that are so far away from me? I can't quite tell. When I am back home, with these very same friends, I yearn constantly to return to my life at university or work. Maybe something is inherently wrong with me?
I'm just saying.